(costumes, tissus, revêtements pour sol,

son en multidiffusion sur 6 enceintes, 46')

Any new community based functionality involves a ritual of automatic

and repetitive gestures associated with special situations.


☞ vues d'exposition à Glassbox, Paris, 2019 (crédits photos : Glassbox & Dimension Émotionnelle).

☞ avec la participation de Raquel, Pauline, Sarah, Willie, Florent, Jérémy, Claire et Alice.


Extrait du texte :


« I-Any moisture.

on a selfie of human dogs.

The fingers, the other part of the body, not extinguished.

The other part of the body as well as custom doors. Fingers inside the unit can cause a short circuit.

These can Izibusiso ze-be sucked up.


These are raining.

Blessings to be sucked-in and to be lured (...)

Je t’avertis, tout ce que tu verras ne te plaira peut-être pas.

Whatever you see may not please you.

En outre, sois conscient que des problèmes sont possibles.

Be aware that problems are possible and put your pleasure to the test. (...)

Setting the time manually,

I don’t know the way to do it, and I don’t know the way to do it, but I don’t know the way to do it.(...) »